Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cape York - The Wrap Up

The Good The Bad The Ugly

So, all up, it was an 8160 kilometre trip. 

From Wee Waa to the Top it was a 3920 kilometre journey, with a few diversions on the way.

Some statistics for the number freaks...

Most expensive fuel was at Seisia at $2.36/litre.

Cheapest was $1.44/litre at Proserpine.

I spent $1726.76 on fuel alone. (Not too bad as I'd budgeted 2 grand for fuel.)

I used 1126 litres of petrol, ranging from 91 octane through to premium octane 98. The Cape only had unleaded 91 on sale. 

I think we went over about 1 million corrugations. Not one glass or egg in my rig was broken however!

One tyre on the FJ was staked with a tent peg. $50 and a very helpful tyre repairer later, one new only ever to suit a spare was installed on the car. If you're ever in Cooktown and need a tyre or a tyre repair, drop in to Cape York Tyres and tell Kim that the woman with the yellow FJ sent you!

One trailer bearing was blown. It was unfortunate but it happened on a bitumen section so it wasn't too bad to change and we were on our way south to Cairns. It did however change our plans for travel back to Cairns. 

We stayed at 7 different caravan parks, 2 National Parks, 1 bush camp, 2 roadhouses, 1 cattle station, 1 5 star resort, 1 telegraph station and 1 serviced apartment.

The camper was set up and down 12 times, with 3 nights in a row being the most times we had to set up and down. The longest it was set up for was for 5 nights at Punsand Bay. 

The highest temperature was at Punsand Bay with 33 degrees and the coldest was at Miles at about 0.

No sightings of actual crocodiles, just a set of tracks on the sand in front of the camp one morning. 

Not one fish was caught. Can't believe no one in our group wanted to fish!

1 Tortoise spotted in the crystal clear waters of Twin Falls on the OTL.

1 Dingo spotted on the side of the road, after Palmer River Roadhouse. Which incidentally was the best  roadhouse stay. Make sure you say hi to Andrew and his mate Jordan if you're there from me. 

Went to town on the touristy souvenir thing and bought 8 stickers, 2 magnets, 5 stubby holders, 2 t-shirts, 2 tin cups and 1 guide book.

There is no figure for the amount of dust on the car or camper but I reckon that we got back to Cairns 50kg heavier than when we left just from the dust! 

Saw only 3 other FJ Cruiser's on the Cape. Out of all of them, only one gave me an enthused flash of lights as they went past. 


  1. thought i would drop by and read this! what a fantastic trip, well written and a great test for the fj. Look forward to reading about more adentures

  2. Simon! Thanks for dropping by! Great to "see" you! Still enjoying your FJ I hope.
